Zoom Retiring Key Pair for Linux Client Skip to main content
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Zoom Retiring Key Pair for Linux Client

Message From Zoom Corporate:

Dear Valued Customer,

As an admin or owner of an account with users using the Zoom Desktop Client for Linux, we are reaching out to notify you that we will be retiring the current key pair used to sign the Linux client on November 2, 2022. To avoid service interruption, we advise that you ask your users to download and trust the new public key.

Please follow the instructions below to download the new GPG validation key by 11/2/22 to avoid service interruption.

  1. Download package-signing-key.pub from http://click.zoom.us/e/84442/linux-download-pubkey/c4cjlj/3984459627?h=Dn4GHu0lhZcv-6gS4zjJAnFCBrlgiiyObsu4Pu_SxAM
  2. Run the following commands based on the package you’re validating
  • ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

    //    deb package validation

    gpg --import ~/Downloads/package-signing-key.pub    // import gpg public key, only do it once

    dpkg-sig --verify ./zoom.deb


  • ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

    //    rpm package validation

    rpm --import ~/Downloadspackage-signing-key.pub      // import gpg public key, only do it once

    rpm -K zoom.rpm

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. If you have any questions, please contact our Support Team or reach out to your Customer Success Manager.

Team Zoom